The United States and the European Union are two of the world’s largest trading partners. In 2021, 15.5% of all U.S. 出口(按美元价值计算)流向欧盟成员国.3% of U.S. 据英国《LOL外围下注》报道,英国的进口来自欧盟 U.S. 技术评价办公室.

有这么多材料来回移动, it may come as a surprise that there isn’t a full-fledged bilateral trade agreement between the two.


Both the U.S. 而欧盟的出口管制系统则以这四项为指导 多边出口管制制度 that establish common control lists and practices for governments around the world.  They are:

Disparate and sometimes surprising combinations of governments have worked together on these common rules because it makes their national policies more effective—both for exporters that follow them and the government agencies that enforce them.

因此,欧盟规定——现在被称为 Regulation 2021/821 -与…有很多共同点 U.S. 出口管理条例, or the EAR.

  • Both regulations include dual-use items—meaning they apply to goods that can have both civil and military applications.
  • Both include control lists that are organized by categories and individual control entries that generally correspond when present on both lists. For example, the top US Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) by shipment count to the EU is 5A002 for information security commodities. 欧盟的清单中包含相同5A002名称下的等效条目.
  • Both establish basic requirements for when a license – or export authorization in EU parlance – is required.
  • 两者都有类似的方法来处理在自己的边界内移动的物品. Moving items across state lines in the United States isn’t considered exporting, 也有一些有限的例外, 商品可以在欧盟成员国之间自由流动.
  • Both systems identify circumstances in which export license requirements might be waived. Part 740 of the EAR 列举了18个license例外. The EU has eight 一般出口授权(EUGEAs) that allow export to specified destinations under certain conditions without a license.

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ITAR not included: 欧盟没有任何东西可以与美国相比.S. 《LOL外围下注》, 管制国防物品及国防服务出口的机构, 或EAR的600系列军用物品控制. That’s because the EU rules are limited to areas of “community competence” agreed upon by member nations—in the case of export controls, 这意味着军民两用, not military, items. While the EU’s 共同立场2008/944/CFSP outlines how member nations should approach controls for military technology and equipment, 决策和行政权力属于每个成员国.

没有中央管理机构; While the EU establishes dual-use export control regulations for its member countries, 它不像美国那样有自己的官僚机构.S. 由工业安全局管理出口授权流程. 欧盟本身并不颁发出口许可证. 这项工作留给了每个成员国的政府,比如德国 联邦经济事务和出口管制局 (德国联邦经济与经济控制委员会). 欧盟也不执行自己的规定. Once again, this aspect of implementation is the responsibility of national authorities.

治外法权: U.S. regulations routinely apply to items after they’ve been exported from the United States, 在许多情况下,这些物品从未接触过美国.S. soil. 例如,外国制造的产品或软件含有美国产品.S. components or are produced with the benefit of technology or software originating in the United States may be subject to U.S. 出口许可证要求[见相关岗位: 受EAR影响-它的含义和如何接近它]. 通过再出口和国内转移的概念, 它们嵌入整个EAR, 美国声称对美国境外的活动拥有管辖权.S. 与美国有某种联系的许多项目.S.

Countries don’t like it when other nations try to legislate what happens within their borders, and the EU and its member states generally don’t formally accept this kind of U.S. 出口管制是治外法权,尽管他们在实践中经常遵守.

By contrast, the EU regulations rarely apply to reexports and transfers outside the Union.

Brokering: If a person or entity in the EU negotiates a deal from a non-EU nation to another non-EU nation involving dual-use items, 这笔交易可能会受到欧盟对经纪服务的监管. This mechanism applies when the dual-use items may be intended for weapons of mass destruction or other military end-uses. 在美国, brokering regulations only exist for items subject to the ITAR and is handled differently under that regulation.

控制列表的哲学差异: The EU Dual-Use Export Control List in Annex I to Regulation 2021/821 is based almost entirely on the four multilateral control regimes, 虽然国家当局可能对其他项目实施管制. Its U.S. counterpart, the 商业管制清单 (CCL),包含了多边协会没有处理的项目. Many of the items unilaterally controlled by the US BIS are controlled at a low level – think ECCN 9A991 for many civil aircraft parts – but others are highly controlled. For example, the EU list doesn’t have anything comparable to the CCL’s 600 series (military items that were once subject to the ITAR and have been moved to the EAR) [see related post: 在许可例外情况下出口600系列物品]. These would instead typically be addressed under the military export controls of individual member states.

A simplified way to look at it is that the EU dual-use list is a subset of the U.S. CCL. 如果一件商品在欧盟的清单上,它可能也在美国的清单上.S. list. But if it’s not on the EU list, there’s still a chance you’ll find it on the CCL.

EAR99 and NLR: In the EU, if an item is contained in Annex I, an export authorization is required. 如果这个项目不在清单上,那么它通常是不受控制的. (The EU regulation does provide that even non-listed items require a license if they are intended for use in WMD programs or human rights violations—commonly called “catch-all” controls.)

The U.S. system isn’t so clear: Just because something isn’t on the CCL doesn’t mean it’s not controlled. It could still be classified as EAR99 and may require a license based on where, 给谁,为了什么目的. And an item that’s on the CCL might be authorized for export as 不需要许可证 (NLR) – no license or even license exception necessary – based on the same factors.

Are changes coming?

In general, exporters who have experience in both systems tell me they find the EU system easier to navigate. 这两个体系在很大程度上是一致的, and the most troublesome differences are those in which the EU regime allows activities that the U.S. 没有——比如再出口和转移的域外问题.

但俄罗斯是多边体制的参与者之一, and its rising belligerence toward the Western democracies has been driving the U.S., EU and other governments to consider the limits of these now decades old post-Cold War mechanisms. There is a rising discussion on both sides of the Atlantic whether it’s time to develop a new “plurilateral” export control group. In fact, with the extraordinary level of coordination among like-minded governments in imposing sanctions on Russia beginning in 2022, 一个新时代可能已经到来.


你有什么问题吗.S. 出口管制和欧洲出口管制? Visit 了解LOL外围下注的公司,LOL外围下注的教师,LOL外围下注的员工和LOL外围下注尊敬的人 出口合规专家(ECoP®)认证计划. To find upcoming e-seminarslive seminars in the U.S.美国、欧洲和其他地区 live webinars and 浏览LOL外围下注的目录80多个按需网络研讨会参观LOL外围下注的ECTI学院. 您也可以致电LOL外围下注 540-433-3977 了解更多信息.

Scott Gearity 是ECTI公司的总裁.

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